Friday, August 15, 2008

Burnworks party Saturday

Sorry for the late notice, I just learned of this party this morning, and didn't get to post until just now.

Boulder's resident freakbike builders, fire worshippers, and guerilla gardeners, the Boulder Burnworks, are putting on a "Recompression party" tomorrow night, Saturday. Looks like it's a pre-Burning Man shindig, so bring your ideas, and suggestions about the Playa.
They're also selling some costumes and other stuff to benefit B.L.A.S.T.^

What is "B.L.A.S.T^", you ask?

Well, it's local group doing things right here in Boulder: 'To enhance the community by example, using art, beneficial civic activities and celebration as tools.' is our mission statement, and our doors are open to all who would like to participate. Some past B.L.A.S.T^ projects include the Cottonwood Creek clean up last May, screening of environmental films, discussion groups, and the Boulder Creek clean up in May 07. Future projects and ideas include public and recycled art, mobile gardens, elderly and low income home improvements, disaster relief and recovery... and we are always looking for new and exciting projects, the sky is the limit!^

For more information, visit

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