Monday, August 25, 2008

Survey: How bike friendly is Boulder?

The League of American Bicyclists does a lot of work to make cities in the US more bike friendly. Among other things, they award cities a designation of "Bicycle Friendly City" to deserving cities every year.
Boulder has been awarded a gold medal in the past, (platinum is the highest level) and it's time to vote again. It's more than voting, though. It's your chance to voice your opinion about what Boulder does well, and where we're lacking as far as a bike friendly place to live goes.
Boulder has more bike facilities, infrastructure, and general bike awesomeness than any city I've ever lived in (I've lived in far) aside from up in the Pacific Northwest. The City That Works has won the Platinum designation more than once from the League.

Let them know what you think. They have a survey posted on their website, here, which is open to the public. The more people who fill it out, the more accurate a depiction of Boulder's bike family they'll have.
They would like to have the surveys filled out by September 10th. I just filled mine out, and it took all of about 5 minutes, and I can be verbose when it comes to bikes.

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